
『Breathe Dream Go』 設計部船装設計課 A・S

I am A・S working in Hull Outfitting Department for the 4th Year. Travelling and exploring the different parts of world was always my passion. After joining Oshima Shipyard, the first several trips were inside Japan itself with my friends and colleagues.

Japan is one of those places that takes you on a mystical journey to another world. Within the last four years I have been to several beautiful places in Japan like, Kyoto, Kobe, Nara, Tokyo, Iwakuni, Okinawa, Kagoshima, Miyazaki and Osaka.

International trips are the most exciting ones, as one gets to experience a whole new tradition, culture and lifestyle. From Japan my international trip was to S. Korea. The visit during the freezing cold weather was quite a new experience.

My next trip was to the land of white elephants, Thailand. Sitting right next to a live tiger was one of the best memories from the trip.

The trip to Hong Kong was an escape into the nature amidst the lush green mountains and above the oceans. The Ngong Ping 360 Cable car ride was frightening at the same time truly mesmerizing.

My most recent euro trip was one of the best holidays I have ever had. Backpacking across different countries in europe is a memory to cherish for my lifetime. The trip was a wholesome package with historic elements from the city of Berlin, and Prague,world’s best Art exhibits from Louvre, in Paris, the beautiful Amsterdam and the iconic parisian landmark, Eiffel Tower.

It’s been said that the pleasure derived from anticipating a vacation is actually greater than that which is experienced on the vacation. I am eagerly waiting for my next vacation to happen. There is a lot left to explore.


『肉の呼吸』基本設計部基本設計1課 B・D

ご安全に!基本設計部基本設計1課のBです。私の業務は、完成した船が契約条件を満足しているかを確認する査定試験の実施、及びそれによって得られた結果を基に各種計算書 (復原性/強度/積付計算など)を作成することです。デスクワ …


『コロナで変わった休日の過ごし方』総務部労務厚生課労務厚生係 S・I

ご安全に 総務部労務厚生課のSです。 日々の仕事は社宅や寮、駐車場の管理、補修対応や社員の通勤対策、今は時期的な業務でコロナ対策・対応といった事もしています。 コロナ対策の手指消毒を始めてから手荒れが酷くてしょうがありま …


『休日の過ごし方』 基本設計部基本設計1課船体計画三係 H・D

こんにちは!基本設計部基本設計1課船体計画三係のHです。 今回、プライベートについて簡単にですがご紹介致します。 配属されて4年が経ちますが、 配属された年に上司の方に誘って頂きゴルフを始めました。 へたくそではあります …
