
『Breathe Dream Go』 設計部船装設計課 A・S

I am A・S working in Hull Outfitting Department for the 4th Year. Travelling and exploring the different parts of world was always my passion. After joining Oshima Shipyard, the first several trips were inside Japan itself with my friends and colleagues.

Japan is one of those places that takes you on a mystical journey to another world. Within the last four years I have been to several beautiful places in Japan like, Kyoto, Kobe, Nara, Tokyo, Iwakuni, Okinawa, Kagoshima, Miyazaki and Osaka.

International trips are the most exciting ones, as one gets to experience a whole new tradition, culture and lifestyle. From Japan my international trip was to S. Korea. The visit during the freezing cold weather was quite a new experience.

My next trip was to the land of white elephants, Thailand. Sitting right next to a live tiger was one of the best memories from the trip.

The trip to Hong Kong was an escape into the nature amidst the lush green mountains and above the oceans. The Ngong Ping 360 Cable car ride was frightening at the same time truly mesmerizing.

My most recent euro trip was one of the best holidays I have ever had. Backpacking across different countries in europe is a memory to cherish for my lifetime. The trip was a wholesome package with historic elements from the city of Berlin, and Prague,world’s best Art exhibits from Louvre, in Paris, the beautiful Amsterdam and the iconic parisian landmark, Eiffel Tower.

It’s been said that the pleasure derived from anticipating a vacation is actually greater than that which is experienced on the vacation. I am eagerly waiting for my next vacation to happen. There is a lot left to explore.


『息子の一才の誕生日について』生産管理部生産情報課材料係 S・K

ご安全に。生産管理部生産情報課のSです。 長崎県も1日のコロナ感染者が100人を超え、基本的に自宅での自粛生活が続く日々ですが、先日久々に我が家でイベント事が有りましたので、その時の様子を今回がんばらんば日記の方へ掲載し …


『冬の味覚と言えば?』 設計部構造設計課 Y・D

ご安全に!設計部構造設計課詳細構造係所属の入社10年目、Yです。機関室区域の船体構造図作製や、係留設備の船体支持構造強度評価と補強図作製を主に行っています。 みなさん、”冬の味覚と言えば”何でしょうか?かにや大根、白菜、 …


『息子の趣味』 艤装工作部運転課 K・H

ご安全に。 入社7年目、艤装工作部運転課のKです。 私の業務内容は、船内の電気機器の運転調整、機器のオペレーション試験、工程の調整などです。 (写真 向かって右が筆者、左が海外製エアコンのエンジニアです。) 私の休日の過 …
