

I am S・F, this is my 10th year working at
Hull Outfitting Design Section(船装設計課).

I would like to introduce my travelling experiences.

My first experience of travel in Japan was to UNESCO World Heritage Site “Yakushima”.
This was my first long journey by car ferry and the experience was awesome as I was able to see flying fish alongside the ship.

The hiking through forest and narrow trails was tiring but the scenic beauty on reaching the top was relaxing and worth the effort.

The next trip I took was to the cultural city of Kyoto, the historic city of Nara and the commercial city of Osaka.

In this trip, I explored history and culture of Japan along with enjoying the hustle and bustle of big city and made new friends.

The overseas family trip to Hong Kong and Macau was awesome and exciting.
My daughter wanted to explore so much and was reluctant to face the camera and this is one of my favorite picture of this trip.

The city of Macau is the Las Vegas of the East and here I was able to see the grandeur of the casinos with extravagant shows, rides, fountains and events.

I would like to travel to various places with my family and friends.
Destiny Awaits!!


『東京ディズニーランド』 工作部技術訓練センター K・M

行ってきました、東京ディズニーランド 私たちの結婚40周年を記念に、娘たちが計画を立ててくれて 7泊8日の家族4人旅に出発です。 1日目 いざ出発、まずは長女が住んでいる名古屋まで あれ?名古屋にいる娘が、なぜここに? …


『仕事とプライベート』 鉄構部工事課 M・M

ご安全に!! 大島造船所に今年入社した新入社員のMです。 私は今、熊本県震災復旧工事の現場で働いています! 私が所属している部署は鉄構部工事課で、 九州県内の橋梁や歩道橋などの工事を主に行っています。 先月、私たちの現場 …


『休日の過ごし方』 電装設計課電装基本係 T・K

ご安全に!入社2年目の電装設計課電装基本係のTです。 私の現在の業務はSPECや見積計算書の作成等の計画業務や系統図作成・協議図回覧等を行っています。今回は私の休日の過ごし方についてお話しします。 新型コロナウイルス感染 …
