

I am S・F, this is my 10th year working at
Hull Outfitting Design Section(船装設計課).

I would like to introduce my travelling experiences.

My first experience of travel in Japan was to UNESCO World Heritage Site “Yakushima”.
This was my first long journey by car ferry and the experience was awesome as I was able to see flying fish alongside the ship.

The hiking through forest and narrow trails was tiring but the scenic beauty on reaching the top was relaxing and worth the effort.

The next trip I took was to the cultural city of Kyoto, the historic city of Nara and the commercial city of Osaka.

In this trip, I explored history and culture of Japan along with enjoying the hustle and bustle of big city and made new friends.

The overseas family trip to Hong Kong and Macau was awesome and exciting.
My daughter wanted to explore so much and was reluctant to face the camera and this is one of my favorite picture of this trip.

The city of Macau is the Las Vegas of the East and here I was able to see the grandeur of the casinos with extravagant shows, rides, fountains and events.

I would like to travel to various places with my family and friends.
Destiny Awaits!!


『私の旅行日記』 総務部秘書課 S・Y

こんにちは。総務部秘書課のSです。 私の勤務場所は東京事務所です。 東京事務所は8名の役員、他船舶営業、企画、秘書、ホテル建設 準備室の方々が勤務しており、全部で21名の少所帯です。 私の仕事は役員の皆様のスケジュール管 …


『休日の過ごし方』 設計部船装設計課内艤係 Y・D

ご安全に。入社15年目 設計部船装設計課内艤係のYです。私は主な業務として、居住区の配置設計や防火に関連する設計などを行っております。 さて、今回は私の休日の過ごし方について紹介したいと思います。 休日はコロナ渦というこ …


『仕事と親睦会と時々ウォーキング』 鉄構部CS推進課 H・C

ご安全に! 鉄構部CS推進課のHです。私の仕事は、主に浮桟橋や長崎県内の補修工事 について入札前の積算業務をしています。 ほとんどデスクワークですので、運動不足を感じている今日この頃です。 そこで、夏の間さぼっていたお昼 …
